Environmental Site Assessments
Amplified Geochemical Imaging LLC is a DoD ELAP and ISO 17025 accredited laboratory that analyzes passive soil gas samplers for parts per trillion levels of more than 60 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs, SVOCs) by a modified EPA method 8260C. Our methods ensure the highest quality control and quality assurance in the industry and they have been verified through the US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program.
- Completed over 5,000 surveys in 49 states and other countries including North America, Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, South America, and Australia
- 20+ years in the field
- Proven track record of performance
- Typical Clients include: Military Bases, Brownfields, Industrial, Refineries, Landfills, Gas Stations, Dry Cleaners, Residential, Pipelines